
Friday, October 11, 2019

Everything you need to know about La tomatina

This festival is celebrated every year on the last Wednesday of August from 10 am to 11 am. About one and a half million tomatoes are consumed in the midst of this beautiful tomato war. These tomatoes are sourced from a nearby town of Actrimadura, where they are cheap as well and do not taste as good. 

Everything you need to know about La tomatina
Festivities of La Tomatina

The festival began in 1945, when some youths sat in the Spanish city for a sit-in. When the police proceeded to stop them, the youth attacked the policemen by picking vegetables and fruits from the nearby vegetable shops.

Since then this festival has been celebrated and 2019 was the 70th anniversary of the festival. The rules of this tomato (tomato) war are very simple. When someone kills a tomato by throwing it at them, they have to first break the tomato and then kill it. Tearing each other's T-shirt or clothes during this time is prohibited and when someone says stop, the tomato thrower has to stop.

Spain's Tomatina Festival is very famous. Every year 20 thousand people take part in it and paint each other in tomato color. Tourists arrive from all over the world to participate in it. But due to the recession, this festival is also no longer untouched and the organizers have decided to collect at least ten euros i.e. about 910 rupees from the tourists participating in it. This decision also reinforces the fear that this event may go into private hands. Australia, Japan, Britain, Spain and USA have the highest number of people attending the La Tomatina Festival.

Since 1945, this festival is being held on last wednesday of August, during a week of festivities in Bunol.

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